June 14, 2016 Rodney Cowled

The Real Secret to Getting Everything You Want In Life?

What Does Success Mean to You?

Where do you want to be and what do you want to have? 

The first phase of the plan for the 120 Project, was to craft, create and detail my desired future. To put pen to paper, and create a future of my dreams, unhindered by the reality of my current situation. As if I were a novelist, setting the scene for a great story to begin. I did just that.

All while, I hoped that by sharing my story, that you’d dream the same. I hoped that you’d no longer settle for how things were, but desire to choose to live a life that you love.

If you’ve been following along since the beginning you’ll already know that The 120 Project isn’t about me, rather it’s about all of us; everyone who wants more in their lives, and anyone who wants to have success. If this is the first you’ve heard of The 120 Project, check this out [Project 120 Home], to understand the background. 

How Do You Define Your Success & Greatness?

What does your ideal future look like? What would true success be for you? If you don’t know, that’s okay because figuring out the answer is exactly what this post is all about. By the end of this post, my hope is that you’ll have an answer that truly resonates with who you are. 

Below is an example of my personal goals. If you’re not really interested in the details of my goals, that’s cool, just skip down to my Contribution Goal and read from there.

My Desired Future – My Greatness

Here is an example of personals goals. Based on my personal goals.

If you’re not interested in the details of my goals, that’s cool, just skip down to my Contribution Goal (Trust me it’s relevant to you!)

High-Level Categories:

  1. Personal development goals – Own personal growth.
  2. Career/business/economic goals   Career, business, or financial life.
  3. Toys/adventure goals  Want, have, do or experience in your life.
  4. Contribution goals – Goals beyond me, what I want to leave behind.

The Details

Personal Development Goals

  • Healthy – Body, Mind, and Spirit.
    • Body: Optimal health – Healthy body fat while maintaining or growing my current muscle mass. Additionally, to me, that means, the absence of illness or injury & full of energy. (6-12 months)
    • Mind: Change my reactions – Positive reactions in difficult situations. (6-12 months)
  • Author/Writer: Become a regular writer figure: become a go-to source for the media, a keynote speaker, and author. (12-24 months)
  • Family: Healthy & happy family. (on-going)

Career/Business/Economic Goals

  • Alternative Income:  Generate income from an alternative source or sources (i.e. not my regular day job) which contributes to my regular income.

Toys/adventure goals

  • A beautiful Family Home: We’re already well on the way to this one. We’ve purchased an amazing home in Sydney, Australia. The next step, to renovate it into an incredible home which has the room for our future family. (12 Months)
  • Overseas Adventures: After living abroad for 2.5 years, we’ve become addicted to experiencing and learning about new cultures and countries. The specific goal is to prioritise travel & exploration.
  • A Family Retreat: Own a family retreat, a special piece of rural property on the water where we can escape to as a family. Here we’ll water ski to our heart’s content, relax, read and most of all spend quality time with friends and family.
  • I’m on a Boat: Rather, I will be one day soon. This goal is to own a boat which we can use to explore the beautiful Sydney Harbour. It will be docked in the bay at the end of our street. Given that this bay has a multiple-year-long waiting list…this will be a way away.

Contribution Goals (The One That Matters to You)

This is the goal which goes further than me. If I can achieve this desire, it will impact not only my life but those around me too.

This “goal” is much more than the I-want-a-boat-style goals above. This goal surpasses me, and my personal desires, to include you. To include anyone who’s not living at their full potential…and wants to. 

The Problem I See:

While I sat and dreamed, I was overcome with the realisation that far too many people go through life only to lose their dreams and to accept a more “realistic” life. For some people, this means living with the regret of what could have been.

What am I going to do about it?

I’m not an all-knowing expert or a picture of ultimate success. But I can encourage others, and I can share my story openly.

Now It’s Your Turn

I asked at the beginning, where do you want to be? If you don’t have a crystal clear answer, you’ll likely not achieve your desire, and you’re definitely not living to your full potential. I implore you, to allow yourself the time and headspace to truly discover your greatest desires in life. Once you do, it will begin changing your life.

How To Define Your Ideal Future

Step 1. Organise 30 mins of Quiet Time

You want to make sure you’ve got enough time to think and dream. I suggest you organise at least 30mins of uninterrupted quiet time, more if possible.

Step 2. Collect Writing Materials & Templates

Get a notebook or some paper, & a pen to capture your thoughts. (a computer or phone works too).

Step 3. Dream & Write

Take a least 5 mins per category and just write out all of the things you want to be, do and have in your life. Don’t censor yourself, don’t hold back, don’t worry about going into great detail just write down the main concept.

e.g. Want a holiday house on the beach, write that. Don’t worry about the price, the colour or the location. We’ll get to these details later.

Step 4. Now for a Timeframe

Quickly, go back over your list and write next down the timeframe within which you’d like to achieve this goal. Don’t spend a long time doing this, it should take you 10-20 seconds, at most, per point.

e.g. Holiday house on the beach – 2 years.

The Next Phase of Project 120

What Does Your Life Look Like Right Now?